Our family has a feisty 9-year old Wheaton Terrier named Kondi. Yep, she is named after Condoleezza Rice.

Kondi recently had back-to-back cases of doggie pink eye and she needed eye drops and medicine by tablet. As I checked out of her appointment I was lamenting how to get the tablets into Kondi. The receptionist gave me a great tip.

She said put the pill inside of a miniature marshmallow. I already had large marshmallows at home. I used one half per pill and I am pleased to say it worked great. Seven days later all the tablets have been taken and Kondi is on the way to good health and better days.


Kondi is dressed as a giraffe for All Saints Eve 2012  (Halloween - my birthday)

Kondi is dressed as a giraffe for All Saints Eve 2012 (Halloween – my birthday)