Many years ago, Spike Lee the movie director turned NY Knicks spokes model, directed a film called Mo Better Blues. I admit that I don’t recall many of the details of the plot, but I do like the phrase, mo better. So I’m borrowing it to describe the purpose of this blog; it’s to encourage readers to pursue a Mo Better Life.

The blog is an extension of the book titled “A Better Day – A Better Life, How to Thrive, One Day at a Time.” The goal is to share ideas and stories that will encourage and inspire you to thrive on a daily basis.

Orange juice

Our focus is broad. We’ll talk about establishing nurturing supportive relationships. We talk about being more productive at work and at home. I include physical fitness as a part of being personally productive. Lastly we’ll include tips to increase our enjoyment of each day.

The foundation for most principles I talk about can be found in the Bible. Hopefully you will be challenged to think deeply and also have moments of laughing out loud. Thanks for reading I hope you will subscribe and comment often.



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Aka Kelly L. Wilson,

Follower, Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, Teacher & Coach, Author of A Better Day – A Better Life, How to Thrive One Day at a Time